
Lanna Coffee Co

By Elvira Byrd June 2, 2017

I found this place just in time - Lanna Coffee Co is hosting a National Donut Day event Friday, June 2nd 10am-2pm at their downtown location, coffee & donuts galore! Can't wait!

I had to go in and try out the coffee, one because they are local and two I have not liked ANY of the coffee my husband purchases haha 

I can drink coffee black and with milk & sugar and all the coffee I've tasted always has a bitter after taste & thats when I pile on the milk/creamer and sugar, definitely not the healthy route but better than the alternative - no coffee!

I picked out the French Roast, made it this morning and D E L I C I O U S (snapchat filters of course) 

I also picked up 2 porcelain coffee cups, had to! Look at them, so cute and durable & every Lanna Coffee or product purchased provides clean water to people in Thailand, you can read more about their amazing work with villages HERE

AND.... picked up a growler of cold brew coffee (also very good & I got the biggest size) - it was only $20, they give you a loyalty card and after you fill it 5 times you get the 6th refill FREE.

If you're unable to go to the downtown location - their coffee is old all over town

Locations for the cold brew HERE

Whole bean or ground coffee HERE 

OR you can order online and have it delivered to your door, click HERE

They sell other merchandise as well...

GO and check them out!!!